I may have the blues but I got chocolate!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

False pregnancy ???

Lyrica has built a great nest. She feels full of babies. She didn't eat for a couple days. She has milk. 

But no kits. I am afraid that this may be a false pregancys. If it is it's the best one ever. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tort buck for sale

This guy is for sale given my over supply of bucks.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Worst kindling ever

Molly kindled 4 kits on Monday am. I was concerned that something was wrong due to her vent bleeding.
She seemed fine but wasn't eating or drinking much. About 12 hours later I found her with huge clumps of fur in her mouth. She had also ate a ton of fur. 
About 36 hours later she kindled 3 more kits. The nest box was trashed. It looked like she was kindling and digging. In the process she killed several kits. She also delivered one on the wire. 
When I got the best box together I had 4 live kits. One died the next day. One was clearly a fadder.
It died several days later. 

Molly had the worst case of wool block I have dealt with. After 2 days of force hydration and lots of greens soaked she finally passed a huge hair ball and has resumed eating and drinking. 

I also have 2 huge healthy kits. 

But the worst kindling ever.