I may have the blues but I got chocolate!

Why Angoras ?

Mr. Benzo was born 10/29/2010- his name prior to coming to me was Moonfire Desporado.

He started it all. I saw and  add on Craigslist and begged by husband to let me get him. My husband had bad experiences with an ex-girlfreind that thought it would be a good idea to get a couple of rabbits and let them run around the apartment and didn't littler box train them. He reluctantly agreeded as long as he didn't have to deal with the poop.  I told everyone, I was just going to get one rabbit. They would look at me and say, "uhuh." Everyone but me knew that Benzo was just the start.

I had a long held fantasy about raising Angora Rabbits and spinning their coats into wonderful fiber.
I got the only book I could find from the farm store on rabbits. It covered much on raising meat rabbits and said very little about these fuzz balls known as Angoras.

I bought the biggest rabbit cage that local pet store had and went and picked up Benzo. Little did I know that Angoras coats and litter don't mix well together. I had to purchase another cage from amazon.com

I out right stole his name from Amy of Knitty.com- however it wasn't just because I liked the name. Grooming him and watching him made me feel like I was on a great benzo with no- ill side effects (except eating  a bit of hair). I figured naming the bunnies after different types of drugs was an easy way to stick with a theme. I am sure the other breeders will thing I am strange.

Benzo is a fixed Buck. That is another story I will tell about how that happened.

Benzo with a hair cut. He almost looks like he has a mask on.

I have recently added Satin Angoras to my heard. They are easier care and shinny. English will always be my primary but I do love the shinny nature of the satins.

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