I may have the blues but I got chocolate!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bunny Sex

So I have read the books and blogs and nothing really prepared me for how strange it is.
I put Paxipam in Paxils page- he smelled her a lot then humped her for a good 2 seconds.
I am not sure if it took- because most of the books/things I have read say that the buck will normally fall over on his back when its done. She just hopped away from him.
I tried it again the next AM not realizing that my 4 year old was in the yard. He asked very curiously why they were humping each other. I panicked and said they were playing. Not ready to explain to him how babies are made. He is also the type of kid that feels the need to tell everyone everything. Not just people he knows random check out people-Thus I dodged a bullet.
I tried it again today when a friend was over. I have read so many different things about how to get the bunnies to "do it". They humped again for a bit longer. He still didn't fall over.
So I think I am going to wait and see if the end of the month brings babies.
Good thing they only gestate for 30 days or so.

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