I may have the blues but I got chocolate!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Spinning up angora

I have about 4 ounces left from my giant who I traded to someone. She had a great personality but I didn't care for her coat. It spun up with a major halo and was a bit coarse. 
Thus tonight I started to blend it tonight and I am happy with the results. I have an ounce or so of some alpaca, mohair, and something I don't know the name of. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

More baby pictures.....

I am so excited about my new doe. I got another picture of her and really have an unnatural urge to drive to get her now. But that tends to be my personality.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I have joined.....

I sent in applications today for the ARBA and the National Angora Rabbit Breeders club. Not sure about either organization. However it seems like a decent way to get my self out their. ARBA seems to have a lot of info on it- and seems to be slightly better organized.

I am slightly confused by the number of different organizations there are out there. It seems like you could join about 10 and I am sticking with one breed.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I found a doe

I have been searching the Internet for a doe that isn't black or blue and finally found one. She is REW from  Beacon Bend Alpacas. 
I should be able to pick her up in Portland 
The  end of sept. This is a picture of her and the 2nd is of her dame. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

New baby

I really need another doe- but the color of this little one was to hard to pass up. He is 3 months old. Not sure about a name yet.

Bunny love

Bad days can be fixed by coming home and letting a bunny get some exercise.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cage cleaning ...

The cages were in the need of some cleaning today- rthus the buns got some exercise. It's hard to manage 5 of them. I put paxipam in a big cage that didn't fit in the bunny house. However Paxil and benzo went after each other. No free time in the yard for those 2. I need to get some more pens. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

plucking benzo

I noticed today that Benzo is leaving a lot of hair in his cage. I shaved his underbelly about a month ago when the weather got warm because I was afraid of how the heat might effect him- but I was hopping to get a full coat out of him. Today I combed him out and plucked a bit. Most of it came out and he seems to be okay with the process.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

wishing for babies

I put Mrs. Paxipam into Mr. Paxil cage tonight to see what might happen- and they cuddled. I wished I had my camera with me - it was so cute. They sat nose to nose for a long time. I really hope this means she will have babies soon - and not that there is something wrong with either of them.

If she is prego she will likely give birth some time around the 31st. They really don't carry the babies for long. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Handling Mrs. Restlin

Mrs. Restlin doesn't like to be held.  When I first got her she didn't seem to mind it to much but then it was like a light switch happened and she didn't like it. She kicks like she is trying to kick her way out of your hands. I left her alone for a couple of weeks and then try to handle her gently. Tonight however I noticed that her nails were getting to the scary stage. Thus her least favorite thing came out- the nail clipper. She actually handled it pretty well. The doggy was happy it wasn't his turn.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another Hair Cut

Mr. Paxil was a mess when I got him. I made a good attempt to clean him up - but when they are really matted it takes a couple of days.  Shaving a normal bunny- 2 minutes flat- shaving a matted bunny is like chipping away at cement. 
They also have some seriously thin skin that is stretchy, lumpy and bumpy and easy to nick.  I am pretty sure that at one point I had him upside down with his head under my arm cleaning his boy parts. 

I think he is all clean. Mad at me- but clean. He kicked the shit out of me. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bunny Sex

So I have read the books and blogs and nothing really prepared me for how strange it is.
I put Paxipam in Paxils page- he smelled her a lot then humped her for a good 2 seconds.
I am not sure if it took- because most of the books/things I have read say that the buck will normally fall over on his back when its done. She just hopped away from him.
I tried it again the next AM not realizing that my 4 year old was in the yard. He asked very curiously why they were humping each other. I panicked and said they were playing. Not ready to explain to him how babies are made. He is also the type of kid that feels the need to tell everyone everything. Not just people he knows random check out people-Thus I dodged a bullet.
I tried it again today when a friend was over. I have read so many different things about how to get the bunnies to "do it". They humped again for a bit longer. He still didn't fall over.
So I think I am going to wait and see if the end of the month brings babies.
Good thing they only gestate for 30 days or so.