I may have the blues but I got chocolate!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bremerton rabbit show

Thanks to some help from some friends I got Val to a show yesterday. She got her first 2 legs. So fun to meet people I have Facebook relationships with in real life. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The other creatures

I have 3 ducks on my mini micro farm. They are named Hilary, Monica and Bill. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Waiting on cheese head bunnies

I am happy that I have found a 4-H home in California for Jack and Narcissa. Its really hard to me to move on stock. They are pets, but they are part of a breeding program and they are livestock so my feelings are mixed. Narcissa's body isn't great and she hasn't produced great kits. Jack body isn't great and I will have 3 bucks here - so its logical to move him on.

This weekend I am getting 2 new does from Wisconsin.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Shinny fluffy

Val's coat is coming in so very nicely.  I wasn't really into the satins at first because I had read that their coats were thin and they didn't yield much fibber. However I am now so very happy with them.

She however doesn't like me very much because of how much time I spend priming and playing with her coat.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

blower training

Ben and Vick don't really need to be blown at this age- but I don't want them so freaked out by them when I do need to start blowing their coats regularly. I figured it might be a bit less traumatic if I put them both on the table together. I also put the blower on the lowest setting (on the highest setting it can blow up gravel).